Ptashka™ is an American brand of Ukrainian cuisine created for New Yorkers who want to eat tastily and try something new. It opens Ukraine, sharing its spirit through family traditions and the warmth of home.
Brand Insight
Family can make life easier and more pleasant. Especially if there is someone to follow the family food traditions. For example, when a grandmother cooks healthy and tasty food for everyone, it promotes calmness, trust, and satisfaction.

Starting Point
The inspirer of the brand is Halyna, the mother of our client and the keeper of the home hearth. She is also the heart and the soul of the Ptashka™ business.

Key Message
We embrace the children’s part in adults, give them the opportunity to remember their childhood, eat their favourite food and be in the warm hands of their parents.

Why “Ptashka”
The Ukrainian word ‘ptashka’ means ‘birdie’, so the main symbol of the brand is a bird in a nest of dumplings. Each dumpling for Ptashka™ is like a hatching egg for a bird and resembles the care and effort that goes into the making process.

Ukraine Inspires
Visuals for Ptashka are inspired by the Ukrainian folk artist Maria Prymachenko. Her original style of drawing animals and a vivid color palette are widely applied throughout the brand identity.

Scope of Work
Project Management
Art Direction
3D Artists